The Way Within

To the struggling adult who's tried everything to overcome the overwhelming shadows of childhood trauma...




Are you ready to heal from your past and transform your future?

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Introducing Brent Peak, LPC

Your Guide to Life Renewal

Hi, there! I'm Brent Peak. I've spent years working as a Trauma Recovery Specialist and Licensed Professional Counselor developing the Embodied Trauma Recovery model. So I know a thing or two about how people heal from childhood trauma. In fact, I'm known for helping my clients release the pain of trauma much faster than others they've gone to for help.

My expertise is rooted in training I received while working side by side with respected trauma expert Pia Mellody - the author of Facing Codependence and the creator of the life-changing Post Induction Therapy (PIT) model. And my work in PIT comes with her personal endorsement. But first, let me tell you more about this program.

Welcome to a New Way

I invite you to join me online or in person in beautiful Phoenix, Arizona for a powerful 6-week coaching journey designed to empower adults like you to heal from childhood trauma so you can reclaim the life you deserve.

Break Free and Embrace a Brighter Future

This isn't your average self-help program. It's a transformative journey guided by the principles of the Embodied Trauma Recovery model, that will help you connect with your True Worthy Essense and step into a future brimming with self-worth, emotional freedom, and a profound sense of inner well-being.

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Brent Peak, LPC

Creator of the Embodied Trauma Recovery model

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The Burden of Childhood Trauma

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What if you could identify and overcome the unseen barriers from childhood trauma? How would overcoming these barriers reshape your life? These barriers can cast long shadows over your self-esteem, relationships, and overall well-being. The weight of unresolved trauma and toxic shame can feel so heavy and will prevent you from fully experiencing life, keeping you tethered to the past.

Which of these can you relate to?

"No matter what I achieve, I can't shake this feeling of worthlessness - it's like I'm constantly battling against myself."

"I find it hard to say 'no' or to stand up for myself in relationships. I'm always worried about causing a conflict."

"I often feel like I don't deserve love or care. It's like I'm not good enough for anyone."

"I crave closeness, but the thought of opening up to someone, of being vulnerable, terrifies me."

"I get so overwhelmed by other people's emotions. It's like I'm carrying their feelings on top of my own."

"I'm always scared that the people I care about will leave me. It's like I'm waiting for them to walk away."

Beyond Traditional Therapy:

Seeking Deeper Healing

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Have you ever felt like typical therapy and self-improvement methods fall short of what you really need? Many of my clients have said the same, but they found hope in the principles and techniques of the Embodied Trauma Recovery model. Other common approaches often fail to reach the deeper roots of emotional struggles, leaving individuals in a continuous search for more effective solutions. If you find yourself in this situation, know that you're not alone, and more importantly, there are paths to healing that go beyond typical treatment to help you discover your true self under the scars of childhood trauma. This is something that my clients discover for themselves through working with me.

Are you ready to try something different?

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Overcome the Burden of Childhood Trauma With...


Your Guided Path to Emotional Peace

Welcome to The Way Within, a personal growth coaching program using the Embodied Trauma Recovery (ETR) model to help you heal from the emotional wounds of childhood abuse. The ETR model is a key component of The Way Within, helping you to release emotional burdens, enhance self-esteem, and find lasting peace.

This is not your average self-help program. This is a deep dive to discover your True Worthy Essence beneath the scars of your trauma so you can build a new, empowered self-image that will lead you to a life of peace and fulfillment.

A Personalized Coaching Program for Healing Childhood Trauma

6 Sessions, 90 minutes each

Online or In-Person in Phoenix, Arizona

3 Months of Extended Support

100% Money-Back Guarantee

Imagine finally feeling relief as toxic shame evaporates and is replaced with freedom, calm, and inner-peace! It's no wonder that my clients frequently say, "I feel light...the fear is gone." How could that feeling change your life?


I will guide you through a one-on-one trauma recovery program tailored to your unique needs and circumstances. My approach ensures the most effective healing journey, addressing your specific challenges and goals.


The Embodied Trauma Recovery model is built on the proven principles of Pia Mellody's transformative Post Induction Therapy method, as well as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and somatic therapy principles. This credible and successful approach to trauma recovery offers a solid foundation for your healing process.


Using innovative techniques based on Somatic-Emotional Imagery, I'll personally lead you through meditative visualizations to release the heavy emotional burdens of childhood trauma and help you create a new, powerful self image to guide you into a transformed future. Imagine the relief and freedom that comes from letting go of past pain and finally feeling hope for a brighter future.


I've designed The Way Within to get to the root of your issues, facilitating lasting transformation in a shorter timeframe than typical methods of talk therapy. This is more than just a program - it's a fast-track to deep, lasting healing in just a few weeks, rather than months or years.


I'll give you my Extended Support Guarantee to ensure you continue to receive free support and guidance after the workshop ends. This commitment to your growth maximizes the effectiveness of your trauma recovery journey.

How Could These Benefits Shape Your Future?

Enhanced self-compassion, fostering a warm, loving relationship with yourself.

The release of emotional burdens from childhood trauma, providing emotional relief.

Reduced trauma symptoms, like dark clouds rolling away and revealing a brighter future.

An increased sense of self-worth, reclaiming your true essence of infinite value.

Freedom from the weight of toxic shame, feeling the lightness and freedom of your authentic self.

Profound inner well-being fueled by a deep well of abundance within you.

What is your True Worthy Essence?

Just Imagine How This Emotional Freedom Could Change Your Life!


"I'm not sure I'm ready to face my past."

Facing past trauma can be challenging, but you won't be alone. I'll be there to guide and support you every step of the way.

"I'm not sure I can open up about my past to a stranger.

Most of my clients feel this way in the beginning. Building trust takes time, and I will always move at a pace that feels comfortable for you.

"I've lived with this pain for so long, can I really be free of it?"

Yes, you can! It's never too late to heal from past trauma. With the right guidance and support, you can break free from the chains of your past and embrace a brighter future.

"Can an online program really be effective?"

Absolutely. The online format allows for flexibility and comfort, and rest assured, the quality of the program is not compromised.

"I've tried other programs before and they didn't work. How is this one different?"

This program is different because it's based on the proven principles and innovative techniques of the Embodied Trauma Recovery model, which goes beyond surface-level treatment to address the deep-seated roots of emotional struggles.

Many of my clients tell me that this was the missing piece of the healing they were searching for.


Are Your the ACCOMMODATOR in your Family?

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If you often find yourself prioritizing others' needs, struggling with feelings of unworthiness, or fearing conflict and disconnection, you're not alone. Many 'Accommodators' face these challenges. The Way Within is specifically designed to help Accommodators like you embrace inherent worth, assertiveness, and the ability to form meaningful connections without you always having to be the people-pleaser in your relationships.

"I often find myself putting others' needs before my own. How will this program help me prioritize myself without feeling guilty?"

The Way Within is designed to help you recognize and embrace your inherent worthiness. Through personalized coaching, we'll work together to help you understand that prioritizing yourself is not selfish but essential for your well-being. By learning to value and assert yourself, you can create healthier relationships without the guilt.

"I want to be more assertive but fear conflict or losing connections. How will this program help me overcome these fears?"

The Way Within recognizes the unique challenges faced by "accommodators" in asserting themselves. We'll provide you with tools and strategies to communicate assertively while maintaining meaningful connections. By building confidence in your ability to make decisions and take purposeful action, you can create healthier relationships without fear of conflict.

"I struggle with feeling unworthy and not enough. How does this program address those feelings?"

Many "accommodators" share these feelings, and our program specifically targets these core issues. We'll explore the underlying beliefs that lead to these feelings and guide you through a transformative process to embrace empowered beliefs like "I am worthy" and "I am enough." Our approach is compassionate, personalized, and proven to help you unlock a more fulfilling life.

Ready to Embrace Your True Worth and Transform Your Life?

Expert Validation

Endorsements From Trusted Professionals

“I found Brent to be quite skilled at [helping others] in developing insight into their issues and moving them into solutions. I have deep respect for his clinical skill.”

Pia Mellody, Author of "Facing Codependence"

"I have the utmost confidence in Brent. He works with his clients using some of the best practices available in the field and implements them with gentleness and skill. He provides a high level of care for even the most challenging problems. I would not hesitate to recommend him to those in need of competent and compassionate care."

John Parker, MFT

"Brent is a deep listener who always strives to hear what is not being said, as well as what is actually spoken. He has a caring heart, and uses all of his training, his experience, and his compassion to bring the best to his clients and all with whom he comes into contact."

Gina Pollard, MDiv
Pastor & Grief Recovery Specialist

Success Stories

Real People, Real Results

What if you could say this...

“Brent, I just wanted to thank you so very much for your help. It was life-changing…I have no fear inside me today and actually have laughter in place of what was driving all the fear and anger within. You are wonderful. ” – C.H.

“Our work meant the world to me, I never knew a more gentle, kind, and loving person. This was a life-changing moment for me.” – G.D.

...and this...

“Thank you for...the understanding and healing that I experienced…you are very gifted at what you do and I appreciate your efforts and genuine care.” – L.B.

“I just wanted to reach out, and say thank you, from the bottom of my little heart for the empathy, compassion, and dedication you have given me and countless others.” – B.R.

These are just a few of the many individuals and professionals who have felt the impact of this work and continue to refer family, friends, colleagues, and clients to me. But with only a few spots available each month, the opportunity to experience this transformation is limited.

Ready to Start Your Own Transformation?

GET 3 Months of free Extended Support

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I am committed to your success and want to ensure that you have the necessary guidance and support throughout your healing journey. That's why I will give you a free Extended Support Guarantee as part of The Way Within.

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Here's how it works:

Participate fully in the program and immerse yourself in the transformative experience.

After the program ends, I'll give you six 30-minute sessions of individual coaching to be used within three months.

During these free coaching sessions, you can address any specific challenges, receive personalized guidance, and deepen your understanding and implementation of the strategies learned during the program.

In addition, you'll receive free lifetime access to an exclusive alumni group with access to group coaching calls and peer support from other recovering survivors of childhood trauma.

I understand that true healing takes time, and having ongoing support can make a significant difference in your progress. With this Extended Support Guarantee, you can rest assured that you will have the dedicated assistance and personalized attention necessary to maximize your healing and growth.

Invest in Your Healing Journey

Get started for as little as

6 Installments of $350

Flexible Plans

Prefer to spread things out? I offer 6 or 12-month installment plans through Affirm. Checking your eligibility won't affect your credit score. You might even qualify for 18- or 36-month plans.

The typical 6-month plan is $350 per month for 6 months with no interest.

Pay in Full

You can choose to pay the full amount of $2100 upfront.

This one-time payment allows you to focus fully on your healing journey and is fully refundable until 7 days after your first session, no questions asked.

100% Money Back Guarantee

If after your first session, you are unsatisfied for any reason, simply request a full refund before your second session. Refunds are not available after the second session has begun.

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A Personal Word...

I deeply value the connections I form with my coaching clients. I believe that a strong, trusting relationship is not only the foundation of effective coaching but also an invaluable part of the healing process. The power of being seen, heard, and understood cannot be underestimated. While our relationship will always remain professional and focused on your goals, I bring a warm, genuine, and caring approach to my work. I am a Licensed Professional Counselor, but in this program I am acting as your coach, not a therapist. But I'm not just your coach—I'm your ally, your cheerleader, and your partner on this journey. I'm here to celebrate your successes, support you through challenges, and provide a safe and supportive space for you to grow, heal, and thrive.

Brent Peak, LPC

Discover How to Reclaim Your Life Without Living in the Shadows of Childhood Trauma

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The fact that you're still reading probably means you already know that you need something new - something more - to finally heal...and you're beginning to think this might be it.

I'm convinced that you've found it, and I have a lot of clients who agree!

Let's review what you'll get with The Way Within:

  • Personalized Healing Experience: I will tailor the program to your unique needs and circumstances, ensuring the most effective healing journey.
  • A Powerful Healing Method: Built on the proven principles and innovative techniques of the Embodied Trauma Recovery model.
  • Release of Emotional Burdens: I'll equip you with strategies to release the heavy emotional burdens from childhood trauma.
  • Increased Sense of Self-Worth: Reclaim your true essence with an increased sense of self-worth.
  • Profound Sense of Inner Well-being: Experience a profound sense of emotional liberation and inner well-being.
  • Free Extended Support: 3 months of additional support after the workshop.
  • Free Exclusive Alumni Group: Access to a community of individuals who have undergone similar experiences.

And now you have a choice. You can continue with what you've been doing, but you already know what that gets you. Or you can try something new - something that's already worked for many others just like you who have finally experienced healing and freedom.

Are you ready to break free from the chains of your past and embark on a life-changing journey of healing and growth? Take the first step towards your healing by scheduling a consultation call with me. Space is limited, so secure your spot now and invest in your well-being.

The Way Within and the services provided by Brent Peak are intended as a personal growth experience, and not a substitute for professional psychological or medical treatment. This is not a therapy service, and Brent Peak does not provide medical or psychiatric advice or treatment. While the program is designed to provide tools and insights to support personal growth and healing, it's important to understand that individual results may vary greatly. The effectiveness of the program can depend on many factors, including your personal commitment, application of the strategies, and individual circumstances. Therefore, we cannot guarantee specific results or outcomes. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or psychological condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website or learned in the program. By participating in The Way Within, you acknowledge and agree to these terms.

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