Are you yearning for a sanctuary of calm amidst the chaos of modern life? The Modern Day Meditation Manual is your gateway to tranquility. This comprehensive guide is designed for beginners, offering you the tools to carve out moments of serenity in your daily routine.

In our world, where screens and commitments incessantly demand our attention, finding inner peace can seem like an uphill battle. This guide acknowledges these challenges and offers you a solution: meditation. A practice that has stood the test of time, meditation is arguably more relevant today than it was 7,000 years ago when it was first developed.

The Modern Day Meditation Manual demystifies the art of meditation, providing you with a brief history and outlining its contemporary benefits. It introduces you to proven techniques that can help you alleviate stress, enhance focus, and silence the incessant chatter of your mind, even in the midst of a hectic day.

This guide empowers you to embark on your meditation journey with confidence. It reassures you that you already possess everything you need to get started. It also offers practical advice on how to prepare for meditation and shares simple yet potent techniques that can help you combat stress and emotional overwhelm.

Why not give meditation a try? With just a few minutes of practice each day, you can tap into the transformative power of this ancient practice. The Modern Day Meditation Manual is your first step towards a calmer, more focused you.

  • 15 Videos

  • 0 Quizzes

  • 0 Worksheets

  • 0 Files

  • Ebook & Workbook Downloads

  • Lesson 1: Introduction

  • Lesson 2: A Brief History of Meditation

  • Lesson 3: Why Meditation?

  • Lesson 4: What Do I Need to Meditate?

  • Lesson 5: Before You Begin

  • Lesson 6: 5 Simple Meditation Techniques

  • Lesson 7: Conclusion

  • I Have So Many Questions About Meditation!

  • What Does Meditation Really Mean?

  • Meditation Doesn't Have to be Spiritual or Religious

  • Is Meditation Outdated?

  • How Long Does It Take For Meditation to Work?

  • What Will Happen If I Meditate Wrong?

  • What if My Mind Wanders While Meditating?